Saturday evening we were supposed to go to the local bar but decided to play a game with my sister and her husband instead. We all had a good time, even though the husband won. Side note: I don't think my sister and I had played a game together since Girl Talk circa 1994. Luckily this game didnt involve prank calling our crushes.

We got to spend time with some family on Sunday, which was also nice! Our nephew Rett learned to say our names; it was adorable! my sister-in-law also made a FABULOUS and DELICIOUS cake for my birthday (yes, I m still celebrating my birthday.... weeks later). The frosting was to die for!!

So this week the husband and I don't have anything planned... which is awesome. I am hoping to go to Hobby Lobby and Lane Bryant to spend some gift cards that are burning a hole in my pocket. We also need to clean the apt, which is never fun... but life in generally more enjoyable when the apt is clean-ish.
I also plan on taking the second step in my sewing adventures; sew a ribbon onto a washcloth. it may not sound like much, but it is a good first project. I also finally found someone who gives sewing lessons, so I am going to start those sometime soon. I decided that if the husband can spend 40 bucks a month on a gym membership I can spend the same amount of money on sewing lessons.
So that's life these days. Nothing too exciting, but also nothing to complain about. I'd consider that a good life thus far.