Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Turning a new leaf... again.

Over the past 2 months I have digressed in my life change. I have eaten way too many sweets, given up exercise, and have not been watching my portions. Suffice it to say i've fallen off the wagon. Is it disappointing? A bit Am I going to beat myself up over it? No. It is a '2 steps forward one step back' kind of thing... so at least ive made it one step!

Now that I am once again committed to a healthier me, I have decided to try a few different things. I am taking the advice of this article I read in Eating Well magazine and setting goals. My goal is to make it to a size 12 by losing 1-1 1/2 pounds a week. Of course my ultimate goal is to be healthy and have optimal cholesterol and triglyceride numbers, but losing weight will help me achieve that goal! I am also going to give myself a reward. When I reach my goal I will be able to go to a neighboring town to buy a cute vintage dress!

I have also just started an online journal to keep track of the foods I eat. I tend to think that if no one sees me eat unhealthy things than it doesnt count. That way of thinking has not served me well over the past couple of months, so it is time to change. By writing down all that I eat I have to face the fact that all food I eat contributes to my health.

I also need to start exercising again. Last week I walked to work all week. Doing little things like this is a goal that will help me achieve better 'good' cholesterol levels, which I need in order to be happy. Exercising also gives me more energy throughout the day.

All of this leads me back to you, my support system. I will need you to encourage me and be there for me while I get things back on track. I know I can count on you all to help me live better... you have all been wonderful so far!



  1. Jayme! I'm here for you in any way that you need me. I think we all struggle after the holidays. I feel like I haven't seen a vegetable in a long time (and friend potatoes don't count hehe) and I'm wearing leggings to work because my pants are a bit snug! We've all been there. After all of the holiday celebrating, I try to really focus on cooking new (healthy) things. Here is a super easy and quick meal that I love.
