It's been a while since I've studied for anything, so I've been trying out different ways of studying to see what works best for me. I have been focusing on vocab lately, and these are some of the ways I have been studying...
Flashcards - I found a few lists of common words that pop up on the GRE and have started memorizing them. Out of 50 words or so I probably have 20 memorized so far.
Reading more - I haven't been reading as much since I took up sewing. Well, I don't think reading books about sewing really counts. So I have started to read novels again. Any recommendations are welcome!
News-ing it up - NPR uses a lot of GRE-worthy words in their interviews, news stories, and featured shows... so when I hear a word I don't know I'll either ask the husband what it means or look it up. Of course, this comes with its downsides in the fact that you are more aware of how clueless some political officials are (here's to you, Mitch). - This website quizzes you on vocab, and for every answer you get correct they donate 10 grains of rice to a third world country!
Googling words - This has been a great way to learn words I don't know! I usually look up the definition and how it is used in a sentence. I have found the website Wordnik to be helpful at this; they even have tweets and FB status updates with the word in question in it.
Thinking of pop-culture references that relate to the words - For example, the word enervate (which means tho weaken ones strength) appears as a spell in th Harry Potter book series. The word garrulous, which means tiresomely talkative, reminds me of John Goodman's character in O Brother Where Art Thou.
Music - I've also decided to look up every word I don't know that appears in any Andrew Bird song...
Of course I've been studying Latin root words and that good stuff, but that's boring to talk about... well, I guess all of this is a bit boring, but this is my life folks! I do not lead an adventurous life at this moment. If you read this far you must really care about how I study! Or you are procrastinating. Regardless, thanks!
oh my god. that's too much effort. just get a GRE study book. hahaha.