Monday, August 16, 2010

The Weekend

This past weekend our 4 friends that live in Lafayette were gone, so the husband and I decided to drive to southern Indiana to visit 2 of them who happen to live about 1/2 an hour from each other. They both also live in the country, so finding their houses was fun! Our direction to Lynns included counting houses on the right side of the road and turning left when we see a brown trailer!

It was nice to be in the country. Lynn's mom came home from town and was talking to Lynn about who she saw at the grocery store and I couldn't help but smile and feel right at home, even though I didn't know these folks. While I loved living in the city and am enjoying living in this mid-sized town, I can't help but look back on fondness of my home of 500 (and now 700) in Illinois.

Of course, the grass is always greener on the other side. Towards the end of my college career I was very tired of seeing the same faces all the time (family and friends excluded). It always seemed that I never ran into the people I liked but rather those that I didn't. Plus, you couldnt get away with anything since you knew everyone.

While in Lynn's neck of the woods we also went to her church. I swear it was my home church, just with different people and at a different location. Seriously, it had everything my church back home had: a small church, long prayer requests shouted out by members of the congregation of 30, a lot of family ties, a children's moment, and various hymns. The church is set in the country too, so we were the only visitors. :) We felt very welcomed by the congregation and I loved the hymns (the husband, not so much).

After church we went back to Lynn's house and had lunch with her family. It was delish; and by delish I mean it had butter. Yum. Lynn also made an ice-cream cake for dessert. I have one word to describe it; heavenly. Obviously it was not a healthy dessert. She made 2 flavors of ice cream and separated them with fudge and oreo crumbs. To top off the ice cream she made whipped cream and covered the cake. So to make up for this decadent treat i am promising to eat salad for lunch the rest of the week and to exercise via walking.

We left for Lafayette shortly thereafter. I was so relaxed that I slept almost the whole way home! It must have been the sugar and butter... or maybe it was fresh country air.

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