While some out there (ahem, husband and other like-minded folk) appreciate having their finances fit neatly into excel, exposed for the whole world to see, I do not. Numbers have never been my friend. I struggled in school with math and still struggle. Numbers do not make sense to me... which makes budgeting extremely difficult.
Before the husband and I got married we did some pre-marital counseling. The hardest session was the one that focused on finances and budgeting. I am pretty sure I wiped the pastor out of kleenex from all my crying! It was the longest hour and a half of my life, but we made it through. We decided before the meeting that we needed to create a budget and stick to it, and after the session we made the budget in excel. It was rough and not without a ton of anxiety on my behalf, but we completed the task. The husband learned soon thereafter that talking to me about finances is most successful late at night when I am sleepy and cant work myself up. :)
There is, however, one simple internet site that has made things easier for me in regards to finances. This website helps me understand money and budgeting with applications such as pie graphs (I mean, everyone understands pie graphs). The website is also pleasing to look at -unlike excel, which gives me the shivers to even think of because of its coldness and matter of fact layout.
Mint.com is a godsend. Seriously people. Check it out and see if it can do for you what it did for me (and my husband)!
The husband finds his security in facts, science, and numbers. I find mine in easy-to-use internet sites and chocolate.