I haven't posted lately mostly because I have been very busy making my sisters baby shower invites. I would LOVE to tell you all about them and the kick ass party coming up (on NOVEMBER 14th at 2:00pm), but the theme is a surprise! So the post about that will have to wait until I mail out the invites, which will be early next week.
Another thing I have been up to is vintage hairstyling. I am proud to say that after about a year and a half I have mastered the victory roll! My hair is long enough to roll the front now, so thats exciting! I haven't quite figured out how to marry my hairstyles (ie rollers) and morning exercising though. While I have no problem with people knowing that I wear rollers to bed, I do have a problem with people seeing me in my rollers whilst walking downtown at 6:15am. this may be another reason to try pincurls though; you can put a bandana around your head and no one can tell you have them in!
The husband and I have also been watching Mad Men. It has been praised for its realistic settings, outfits, and hair. It also has been praised for its accurate portrayal of life in the 1960's, which is a bit scary to me. This is because of the way that men treat women in the show. Only 1 woman so far has a high position in business, the men all treat women like they are not as smart as the men, and the men are also constantly making jokes about women and sex. ugh. No wonder there was another surge of feminism! While it has taken me a while to get used to seeing that, I do like the show. It is not my favorite (big love is better), but it is good!
So thats what this lady has been up to lately. I hope that you are all doing great!