Wednesday, February 9, 2011

I've Got a Fever: Baby Fever

*Thanks to Abbi's post for the inspiration!*

Seeing as I have 3 family members and 4 friends that are pregnant right now, Ive been thinking a lot about babies... and more specifically having my OWN baby. Just thinking about it is overwhelming but exciting at the same time! I look forward to becoming a mother someday, but that day is not in the immediate future, and the tiny part of my brain that is logical is okay with that. The majority of my brain, however, is full of baby fever.

I read a lot of mommy blogs. I am so interested in the different ways Americans raise their children! Whilst reading the blogs I tuck away the ideas and opinions that i think would work best for me in my mind for when we decide to have a baby. I also read a lot of articles on BBC and NPR about the latest studies about children, child birth and what-not. I am also guilty of perusing online children's stores for strollers and baby slings. I like to think of it as preliminary research. The more I decide on ahead of time the less I have to worry about when I actually am pregnant, right?!?!

Since I am not having my own child for a while (we are thinking 2 years), I have decided to dote on the kids already in my life. I have been very busy making dresses, bibs, boppy covers, headbands, and leggings for all my friends expecting and those that already have kids. I am so excited for my friends that are in the next stage of life, and I know that when my time comes, they will be just as excited for me!

For now, I will enjoy the moments alone I get to spend with my husband, the mini-vacations we get to take, the sewing projects I have time to complete, and the multiple naps that fill my weekend.

Actually, I think my baby fever was slightly reduced after reading that last sentence.

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Something Old, Something New: A Tandem Post

While considering the question 'what is the best piece of financial advice someone has given you', I automatically started thinking about credit cards, bills, 401(k)'s, and interest rates. While I have heard tons of advice about the pros and cons of the above, the best piece of advice I had ever been given about finance was an unspoken rule in our house; don't buy something unless you really need it.

A prime example of this would be our family cars. Mom and Dad both had cars, but they always bought used (duh) and they drove them until they cost more to repair than they were worth. The local car dealership owner, Tom, once told my mom that he knows hes not going to make a lot of money off of my parents because they used the cars for all they could. Tom also had a bad habit of chain smoking in his small office. I also believe the office had wood paneling, because it was a dark, smelly place. Neither my sister or I liked to go car shopping.

Buying new furniture was also something that wasn't a necessity for our household. Our house was full of furniture bought or given to us by family members. It doesn't make much sense to spend a lot of money on furniture that you know will get stained from countless glasses of split tea and captain crunch falling through the cracks in the cushions. Now that my sister and I (okay, it was mostly me) are not living there anymore my parents are now enjoying the ownership of new furniture; and I've already spilled things on it (sorry mom).

I am so grateful for this unspoken family motto. I've saved a lot of money by adhering to it. In fact, our 'desk' that I am typing this on was from my Granny; it's actually a vanity! I love it! Our apartment is full of family members furniture, but for every dollar we didn't have to spend on a new desk, sofa, or car is another dollar going towards knocking out my college debt. There will be a time when we might have new and matching furniture and nice cars, but what we have now is more than enough. Plus, that is why the Lord invented slipcovers!

*This is a tandem post with Abbigail and Rose; check their blogs out too! Not only are they smart ladies... but hey have great blogging skillz*