Wednesday, February 24, 2010

"The White Car"

The Husband and I are selling my white ford contour. It has treated me (and my family)well over the years. It started out as my Mom's car, but eventually they gave it to me when Mom upgraded to a nicer (i.e. bigger and more powerful) car. I think I've had it for at least 4 years. In those four years it has made numerous trips to Lafayette, Indianapolis, Peoria, B-N, a few trips to Chicago, and even an impromptu trip to Omaha (Sorry I didn't listen to you Mom. It was brett's fault :). With all that being said, it's pretty much a piece of junk to drive now; however, it still runs.

Let's face the facts people. Some folks just need a car to get them from a to b. They don't care it has a crack in the windshield, that the car door interior makes a rattling noise constantly, and that the right rear tire is missing a hubcap (and it has been missing for well over 3 years). Well, they might care, but all The Husband said to the potential buyers was "cosmetic flaws" or something like that. Regardless, a car is a car to some folks.

I also must admit that I know NOTHING about cars. My Dad is not a car man; he is a sportsman. I can tell you how to skin a deer, why you dress them in the fields, how to take a fish off of your pole, etc... but I cannot tell you how a car runs or what the hell a piston does. Well, one lady who is interested in this car was kind of mocking me on the phone to the Husband! In the words of Cher (from Clueless): as if! i mean, come one lady, that is just rude! the least she could do is make fun of me to her friends, but to make fun of me to my husband? That's just plain dumb. This post may be a bit hypocritical, but I am what I am.

On a side note, The Husband and I are taking a mini-vacay Thursday -Sunday, so I likely won't be posting as I will not be at my super-busy job. :)

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Yet to be named...

this is the first installment of a series of posts yet to be named... but it is about people who have affected my life in major ways.

Dr. Lauren Logsdon

If it wasn't for this man, I would have NEVER started a blog. In fact, I probably would have never shown anyone any of my writing. He was the first English teacher/professor I had who actually taught me how and why to write. More importantly, he showed me that I had potential I never knew I had. In college I took a few writing courses and literary criticism classes for electives - and it was because of this man.

Dr. Logsdon is the most caring man you will ever meet; he would never tell you that of course. Nor would he believe it, but it is truth. When I decided to go to El Salvador for a week over summer break, he supported me financially. He also always took time out of his busy schedule to say hi and chat with me and friends if he saw us around campus.

He also made his classes fun. Now this is no small feat, as I took freshman English with him. He made up crazy examples of incorrect sentences, always had a random bonus question on his quizzes, and instructed us to make writing fun. Writing doesn't always have to be serious, and rarely was it in his class. In the class we had to write in a journal. I made my journal a soap opera script based off the dorm floor where I lived. I'm sure the writing was terrible, but he liked it anyways; probably because he knew I had fun writing it. :)

A couple of weeks ago The Husband and I went to the library. I was imagining I was Belle from Beauty and the Beast (I actually do this people...) when I came across the author Ray Bradbury, Dr. Logsdon's favorite writer. I checked the book out and am currently reading it. I can see why Dr. Logsdon loves Ray Bradbury; they remind me of each other. Whenever I start to read a new chapter I smile.

So thanks to Dr. Logsdon and all the professors I had that helped me figure out who I am and what I am capable of accomplishing.


Sorry I'm so nostalgic today folks... I ran across a list of Smallest Schools and good ole EC was on it!

Monday, February 22, 2010

Tiny House Sub-Culture

Today while looking through my Google reader's 'items recommended' feed I came across a new blog. The blog focused on a new-ish underground movement called "Tiny House Movement". Basically it is a movement that focuses on lessening the ecological impact on the earth, saving money, and living simply.

Folks, this is weirdly fascinating. There are people out there who take the hard road in life for the sake of a cause or lifestyle they care about. This Woman, for example. Goodness sakes, she lives in Alaska and doesn't have electric! However, she is very happy with her life (and her wood stoves that keep her place toasty).

I'm not saying everyone should downsize and live in a house made with found materials, but everyone has to admit that the 'tiny house movement' is gutsy and a bit admirable. Plus, some of the houses are super cute! I would totally live in a small Victorian home; i'm just not sure all our stuff would fit in there too!

*Husband... this has nothing to do with the fact that I kind-of want a house. Okay, maybe a little. *

Friday, February 19, 2010

Mr. Sun, Sun, Mr. Golden Sun

Good news everyone; my meatloaf was delish! Next time I will double it so we have leftovers though. Thanks to my sister-in-law for the great recipe! :)

I am so glad it is sunny out! I don't know about you folks, but I get seriously down when the weather sucks for long periods of time. I have noticed a change in my attitude since the sun came out again. it could be the weather, or it could be that the Doctor upped my dosage... either way, I (and i'm sure the husband) am very grateful that I am not such a Debbie Downer! Winter mostly drags me down, but there are two things about it that make up for all the hassle of snow and a bitter wind chill; Christmas and hot chocolate.

Christmas - I am a sucker for this holiday. The Christmas spirit usually hits me about November 1st. From then until New Years I am a pajama-wearin-hot-chocolate-drinkin-Christmas-song-and-movie-loving-gal-who- loves-shopping-for-just-the-the-right-gift.

Hot Chocolate - This girl can never satisfy her sweet tooth, especially when it comes to chocolate*. I LOVE going to the local coffee shop, getting a hot chocolate (mmm....whole milk) and eating a chocolate dessert while reading a good book. Life doesn't get better than that.

It's the simple things in life that matter.

*Chocolate is the absolute best when it is Fair Trade Certified. Not only does it seriously taste better, but you know the people who harvested the cocoa are not being forced into labor.

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Meatloaf Beatloaf...

When I got married I decided it was time to stop living off of cereal, PB&J, and instant oatmeal (strawberry flavor). I had always thought that my husband would do the cooking because he actually knows how to cook... I mostly just pour milk into a bowl. However, he got a second job so the cooking suddenly became my responsibility.


As many people know, I get scared and anxious in certain situations - and friends, cooking is one of those situations. I have been cooking 3 meals a week for the past 4 months and am constantly scared that my cooking sucks or that I will accidentally kill my husband via salmonella or e-coli. I have made a few strides though; Ive successfully made chicken once, frequently use ground turkey or beef, and tonight I am trying my hand at meatloaf!

To me, meatloaf is the quintessential 'housewife's' meal. If I was half the chef my mother is I would also make mashed potatoes. I am not, though, so we will just have frozen veggies on the side. I think tonight I will wear an apron while I cook, listen to 50's music, touch up my freshly rolled hair (which looks great btw), and make myself a drink. You know, sometimes being an adult isn't too bad!

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

A new adventure...

Well, welcome to my blog! I decided that the world needs another blog from another 20 something, and apparently that 20 something is me. I don't really have a goal or purpose for this blog. I am just going to write and see where it takes me.

A slight disclaimer: I am mostly excited about this blog, but am a bit apprehensive too as I am not the most eloquent of writers (I also am not eloquent at dancing but that doesn't really affect the blog, so I am okay with that). I am not a good speller, comma splices are my middle name, and I tend to use too many ellipsis...

however, I am assuming all of the readers of this blog will be friends and/or family, so you are probably used to it by now!

I will leave you with a few idea's I have for posts:
  • Blogs I love
  • My current obsession with vintage hair and clothes
  • People who have affected my life in great ways
  • The pro's and con's of work
  • Thoughts on my new after work ritual, cooking and shopping